Hai AlQanadeel Project - A blend of residential & commercial zones together
A 3D view of the Hai AlQanadeel Project
The area of the planned total 2,041,989 meter square land is located south-west of the Holy City of Mecca and only 8 km from the Holy Mosque. It is near the Fourth Ring Road which is one of the vital roads and one of the main entrances to Mecca. The ground under the so-called campus is considered as the Natural extension Mecca. The south-west neighborhoods of Mecca, such as neighborhood Awali surrounded by Batha area. It is currently a semi- flat area surrounded by several mountains. Limiting the land of the western side of Mountain range Hammad throughout Mecca number one and number two throughout Mecca schemes which are not currently supported, and the eastern side of Mountain.
There are two ways to reach the project. From the north, a new fifty meters wide road pass right through the project and linking them to the west (along the Ibraham Al-Khalil Road) and down to the east side and an exit from the northern side through the land Eisaei and directly related to the fourth Baldaúra. The Project will have all the amenities like, electricity, telephone, Sewage, Storm Water, Street Lighting etc. Currently the project is under construction & is likely to be ready in the mid of 2015. It has both Residential & Commercial units.